Living my dream

By Mima


In order to make space for the sweetcorn in the tunnel house I had to pick the five remaining brassicas today. 

I'll cook up a couple of different soups with the cauliflowers. I'll try one of Bert Greene's slaw recipes using one of the cabbages, and some cabbage pancakes with another. That leaves a final cabbage for bartering.

There was no time to cook them today. The morning was occupied with making a Lancashire cheese. 

I had intended to spend the afternoon in the tunnel clearing and preparing the ex-brassica bed, so that the sweetcorn can go in first thing tomorrow, but my day was a bit upended when I realised that next Friday is the last day to post anything to the UK in time for xmas. 

It is just cards that I am sending this year, but I haven't painted any for several months, and there's no stockpile at the moment. 

So instead of being a gardener I was an artist all afternoon. I made a good start on eight designs, which I will complete tomorrow: then they need a few days for the oil paint to dry properly.

It was lovely to sit at my art table and to lose myself for a few hours. It is relaxing and takes me away from everything else while I focus on paint and brushstrokes. I must do it more often.

Bean enjoyed being the supervisor.

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