
By Vectensian

Living with ( storm )Bert

The forecasters got it right, it has been a foul day with gale force winds and rain since the early hours. Therefore, a day for indoor tasks when I achieved virtually nothing of any consequence, i.e. everything looks the same as it did yesterday. In a moment of tidying things up I discovered this threepenny piece in the back of a drawer, which led me to wonder what it might have bought in 1942. A packet of sweets or a small loaf seemed the most obvious statistic or  with another 2 coins of the same value, a pint of ale would be a popular choice.
With Bert hanging around tomorrow with, apparently, similar intensity, another thrilling day in prospect!
Just to clarify pre-decimal coinage for those unsure, 4 of these coins would have  made 1 shilling which equates to 5p these days.

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