I’d planned to drive up to Gleneagles early to relax in the lounge with the papers, open fires and a jug of coffee. It had just started to snow as I was getting ready but more of it laying by the time I left Edinburgh. Once over the bridge it seemed to clear to slush so I was making good time, and my Waze app took me the way I’d normally go, but before long the roads got smaller and more blocked with snow. I got to the end of the road in the collage but when I paused to join the next road I got stuck…wheels spinning, sliding around and going nowhere. Uh-oh! Luckily a landover driver pulled into the road and helped me out. When I said where I was going he told me I’d never get through that way, and that there was a queue of stuck cars ahead, so he turned me round and I went back to the motorway, up to Perth and then (eventually, given so many long slow queues) on the A9 south which again was slow but fairly clear.
After 3 hours(!) I finally arrived….no time for the relaxing in front of fires!
The RCS ballet students had all arrived safely but the lorry with the staging was delayed, so JS and I had to hang around a bit, but the staff were serving coffee and champagne to keep the audience upbeat. We went in with the two of our expected 5 guests who’d managed to arrive (from Aberdeen!) and enjoyed a wonderful afternoon tea with the ballet performances…absolutely gorgeous. Good chat with the guests too, non alcoholic champagne on tap, and all the little children in the audience were transfixed….so lovely to see.
Afterwards we packed up our doggy bags and I had a really good chat with K the programme leader…she’s so impressive.
Took some photos around the hotel…gorgeous decorations everywhere…then I decided I should head home. Came back via Stirling and the roads were completely clear so it was plain sailing thank goodness. Chatted to Mt&H, A and then T to catch up with them all. A&N have had a lot of snow in the Borders, but just rain down south with the others.
Despite getting home with my doggy bag I was too full to eat anything so just relaxed with Strictly and then the new film Joy on Netflix
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