
I got given this photo the other week.
It was taken several years ago before i had Ty, on holiday on the Isle of wight with Nic. (Happy memories of that place! -we are going back there in a couple of weeks for Nic's wedding.... Ahhh Will all be lovely and beautiful!)
I always felt a bit unhappy about my body back then... but looking back i had nowt to worry about...
This now sits pinned on my fridge.. for 2 reasons-
1. to remind me of how we were, and the laughs we had.
and 2. as my motivation to maybe, some day, look more this this again! :o)

Have had a lovely day today, Cinema this morning to watch Bruno - FUNNY. Utterly inappropriate, but we laughed so much!
Bit of lunch, then hair cut, a mooch round Ty's new class when he goes back to school in September, then have sat and dyed my hair, and pampered my feet this evening.. All in prep for the Hen night im off to Saturday! He hee he he!

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