Focus On This
This week's meal of choice for the bees seems to be the chive flowers of which we have a big patch near our front window - and they were going crazy for it yesterday.
I picked this shot (even though it is clearly not in focus) as it stood out the most, from all the other fails that I got yesterday, as no matter if I used the tripod, did hand held, auto or manual focus or whatever I did - I wasn't getting one of those zippy bees completely in frame or focus. If it wasn't the camera settings or bees constantly changing when I eventually got the perfect combination....the wind would blow and destroy everything for that split second and they were gone.
This particular bee stood out and had such nice colourings that I wanted to capture it perfectly but hopefully he is local and will come back in a more laid back mood soon - I am not sure if it is a variety that has a splash of orange on their rear or just normal but I have not seen before (although you can't tell too well from my picture anyway) as it was quite distinct from the others - could have been endorsed or sponsored by Holland it was so orange!!?
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