
By K9tam

Making Suncatcher.

The weather today was worse than yesterday. Definitely a day for hunkering down.

Jodie came over with the boys. They loved my crazy animal wallpaper, and settled right down to their drawing and crafting. They love the benched area, and the fact they can place their drinks orders over the 'bar'! (Back of the seat into the kitchen!) 

Four year old Louis is obsessed with crafting and drawing. He's very good at it, and neat too. Jodie said he'd come out of school the other day, inconsolable because he'd been given a book to learn reading! He hates reading, but we went through flash cards and he loved to copy the letters and learn that way. Difficult, because it seems that is how he is going to  learn. He's very bright (that comes from the teachers) but he will not conform! Seriously, he won't. 

In between seeing to the boys the 'Domestic Goddess' in me made a Christmas cake! Apparently today is traditionally stir Sunday when Christmas cakes and puddings are made! I'm not a cake fan, but this recipe is sooo easy, basically  the whole lot is boiled up in a saucepan, then goes in the oven! I think the copious amounts of brandy make it turn out, regardless!

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