Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Great to see flowers this late in the year…

I pass these every day on my way to town.
When I got a little further on today there was an ambulance parked awaiting a patient to be brought down from an upstairs flat.
Now… am I the only person who has to fill the blanks if I don’t really know the answer. When I got right to the bottom of the steep hill there was a fire engine and 4 or 5 firefighters got out and headed up the steep hill. Now I have no idea why; they could have been going up to get a bacon roll for breakfast but I decided they must be going up to help evacuate the patient on a stretcher. It’s a very narrow road and I’ve no idea whether they would take him or her down the stairs or out the window but thought they might need help. But would the fire engine be needed? Maybe their help was needed to negotiate the stairs and keep the patient horizontal. Surely they would need the fire engine if they wanted to take the stretcher out the window. I guess I’ll never know…

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