Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


The last of the snow washed away during the night. The rain died off around lunch-time, so I headed out for a walk on the moor. I’d been cooped up inside for a couple of days. There was plenty of surface water about, so definitely welly walking conditions.

This attractive group of lichen was emerging from a mossy boulder. Variously called: ‘Fringed-cup’, ‘Golf-tee’ or ‘Pixie-cup’ lichen, this is Cladonia fimbriata which grows among moss on sandstone boulders, of which we have plenty on the moor. 

Bird life included: Wren, Kestrel, Red Grouse and my first Redwing of the year. I watched the Kestrel dive from its perch on a power line and emerge from the grasses with a small furry creature clutched in its talons.

It was good to get out and enjoy some fresh air.

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