sheep in cattle country

Today I had the best motorcycle ride I have ever had! I rode 600 miles from Colorado Springs to Kansas City in 11 hours. Usually when I ride cross country, I'm done in after about 9 hours or 400 miles, whichever comes first. But today was a perfect riding day: not too hot or too cold, not rainy or windy, no construction along the route, fast speed limits, and no traffic.
And the best part of my motorcycle rides is the way I let go of my noisy thoughts and listen to the Lord. Today, with no hassle riding this was especially easy. And as I was passing one cattle feedlot after another in Kansas, the Lord brought to mind how He is the Good Shepherd and I am his sheep. Then suddenly I came upon this little flock of sheep, the only one I saw the whole trip!
How cool is that??

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