Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Low Sun

I didn't sleep well last night. Probably something to do with the howling wind.
It meant that I was out in the garage fairly early.
I wasn't there long and SWMBO nearly gave me a heart attack when she sneaked up behind me. Apparently she had phoned me and I hadn't heard it so she came out to get me for breakfast.

After breakfast we went and ordered up new glasses for me and had a wander round the new 'interior decor' shop that people had queued up hours for on its opening day on Friday. They shouldn't have bothered.

It was then a trip to the supermarket before heading home.

This picture is as high as the sun had got by just after 11am when we got home.
Despite it being bule skies and 11C (allegedly) it was flipping freezing due to somebody leaving the doors and windows open to let the Artic wind from Bert blow through.

My parts for the lathe arrived this afternoon but I will wait until tomorrow to put them on.
When I was accepting them from the delivery driver I saw that the sky & cloud combo out the back was quite nice - so I took a couple of shots to go with the morning ones. The set is Here.

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