Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

The wolf at the door

He's not at my door really, he's above my potting shed door. He stays away from my other doors, cos I keep my eye on him.

The Virginia Creeper is another matter altogether. You turn your back for five minutes and it's everywhere!

There's a lovely wee coffee shop on the harbour in Ganges that's completely enshrouded in Virginia Creeper. It's absolutely gorgeous! I've toyed with the idea of letting mine go nuts all over the potting shed, but then I get frightened and cut it back ... twice each summer.

We went camping on Denman Island first week of July, and when we came back, despite the lack of rain, the Creeper had found it's way around the wolf. I actually quite like it. I think I'll let it go for a bit. See what happens. Of course, as a human being I reserve the right to change my opinion and hack it back.

Rain count .... none for twenty nine days! My next water bill will be delivered by a wolf.

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