Another low blip!
Took a snap thinking
I’ll never use this.. more will
happen. It didn’t!
Mainly been about my leg thing today, all went well but it felt horrible with lots of pokey local anaesthetic and shooting some kind of radiotherapy in my veins :-/ I’m all bandaged up now and a little sore but nothing they didn’t tell me would happen, so I think all is well.
Mr KCNQ2Haiku fussed around taking and fetching me and dealing with Ben and being a general star and older teen was texting me from school and other family has been checking in. I’m feeling very well looked after :-) Ben is helping by having extremely stubborn, high blood sugars and I’m anticipating a massive crash in the middle of the night.. something to look forward to! They said I should wiggle my toes periodically, maybe that’s what I can do in the middle of the night when I’m handing out glucose tablets :-/
We did hear back from a lovely Steiner school for after Ben will be sixteen next year, there’s no promises but they are willing to move to assessment phase to really dig into the paperwork and see if they could meet his need, it’s residential, so it’s a big, scary step but it has a lovely philosophy and it could be a wonderful fit, so watch this space..
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