
By AlexDarke

On top of the world!

Today saw the last of the 5 days with my girls, and considering we'd done pretty much nothing, except staying in so they can play on the street with there friends, I put my foot down and ordered us to go on a nice long hill hike and picnic at the summit!

It was bliss. I knew the girls would enjoy it, it's just getting them out of their comfort zone is what takes all the work. Once at the top with sweat wiped from brows and drinks consumed, we tucked into our picnic with breathtaking views. It was so very worth the exhaustion of the climb and I could tell the kids enjoyed the sightseeing and 'being on top of the world'!

Once decent was completed Noodle submerged herself in the little stream down to the reservoir and wasn't moving anyway! She was very hot! The kids subsequently hurriedly took off there socks and shoes and paddled happily for half an hour.

After ice creams and a quick stop off at my folks it was unfortunately time to say our goodbyes. Tears flowed and hugs weren't long enough. I'm going to really miss there presence, there dependence on me, and the everyday fun and laughter they bring, over the next week or so.

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