Living my dream

By Mima


This is the outcome of my first attempt to make an Orkney cheese - which I am calling Yenkro (thank you Melisseus for the suggestion) - based on the recipe by F. Marian McNeill.

To my astonishment it is almost right. I think if it is matured for an additional week it could be perfect. As it is it is 90% there. And eminently edible ;-)

I did a jig around the kitchen while I ate the first sliver. The rind is distinctly nutty. The insides are smooth and sweetly milky, with a very slight squeak on the teeth. 

It is quite the success. I'll make another in a couple of weeks and see if I can perfect it...

Mizzly weather thwarted my plans to mow the lawn today. So my time was spent back in the tunnel - in much more pleasant conditions than yesterday - where among other things I planted the shorter raised bed with tomatoes, and basil in between. The aroma was full of promise of wonderful meals to come...

Bean supervised.

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