
By simonslife


The weather which the world seems to be transfixed on now that there aren’t any major elections happening, certainly won’t deter Dippy and I from enjoying our enthusiasm to get outside and enjoy God’s creations. Simply a weather forecast seems to make a huge impact on how people feel and what they are able to enjoy on a daily basis.
I do understand that sometimes the results of inclement conditions can inadvertently affect people’s lives but in general we in this country have little to complain about compared to others around the globe.
More flood defences are now in place along the little tributaries of the river Taw and Dippy has had several hours of water and mud play (so have I :)))
Porridge and a banana for me the usual for Dippy but with some oxtail soup juices added to tickle his taste buds.
I scraped out a channel to divert some of the excess surface water away from my front door.
Had a quick sweep through removing some of the puppy fluff that a certain creature seems to shed on a daily basis.
I was grateful for a lift into town for a short appointment and for a second time to bump into my good friends Mike and Jen. A Chai Latte and chat was followed by a lift back to the site where Dippy and I spent a good while in the dry and warm of the farmhouse kitchen enjoying a warm drink with Vivienne and Maisie.
Cosy in our little home on wheels bed time soon arrived.

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