Gwneud dillad arbennig
Gwneud dillad arbennig ~ Making special clothes
“Art is restoration; the idea is to repair the damages that are inflicted in life, to make something that is fragmented - which is what fear and anxiety do to a person - into something whole.”
― Louise Bourgeois
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Gwneud dillad arbennig
Mae Nor'dzin yn brysur iawn yn gwneud dillad arbennig i'r wyrion (sh!) ar gyfer y Nadolig. Mae hi'n ddyfeisgar iawn ac yn gwneud siaced gildroadwy i Sam gyda phocedi y gellir eu cyrraedd o'r ddau ochr.
Roedd fy ngwaith heddiw oedd mwy anfarddonol, yn gwagio hanner bin compost ac yn trwsio tipyn bach o nenfwd Daniel.
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Nor'dzin is very busy making special clothes for the grandchildren (sh!) for Christmas. She is very inventive and is making a reversible jacket for Sam with pockets that can be accessed from both sides.
My work today which was more prosaic, was emptying half a compost bin and fixing a small bit of Daniel's ceiling.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Nor'dzin yn gwnïo dillad
Description (English): Nor'dzin sewing clothes
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