
By Ridgeback13

Day to night

Went over to Glasgow just after 9 and had coffee whilst I chatted to HMcV and then LD…useful. Had my regular catch up with JS then briefly stopped off at the coffee morning for friends and patrons, chatting to various guests.
Walked over (in quite bright sunshine, although windy) to meet RR for lunch near George Sq, where the fair was trying to look jolly (but not really succeeding!). It was a typically long one, with little opportunity to speak, but reassured him I would pass all the messages on to the relevant people. We walked back to the station for him to get his train home and I walked up to SO’s offices for a meeting about the new building development at the canal. Productive and good humoured discussion, then I had to work out if I had time to nip over and see R before he’s off to India but realised the timing was too tight so in the end just walked back down to the station (by now in rain) where I saw George Sq looking a lot more exciting all lit up.
Legged it along to the restaurant to meet up (a bit late) with several of the Trustees from the Board’s meeting tomorrow. Everyone was in really good spirits and it was a lovely evening, especially since we have good news on the support for the project.
I walked part way back til I saw a bus and hopped on it to get home. Just went straight to bed!

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