Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess

Alfie and his tail

Another blip of Alfie showing off his tail, in a pose which I'm pretty sure I haven't blipped him in before.

Well, today's excitement was finding out that my car had been stolen (a first for me), sometime in the last week. I hadn't needed it for a week and hadn't looked for it, so I don't know when it disappeared. I discovered it had gone when I was about to set off for the darkroom, but never got there, partly as it was unusable because of excess furniture. T came and helped me make sure that the car really had gone and then stayed while I phoned the police which was fine, and then my insurers who I thought suspected me of staging the theft, but I guess that's what they are trained to do. 

Apparently the Fiesta (which I had) is the most stolen car in the UK, partly because it's a very popular car so there are lots of them about, but also it has been discontinued so there's a big market for parts. So I doubt if I will see it again, but I don't know how long it will take my insurers to decide it's not going to turn up. 

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