I’ve no idea how I happened to be looking at the anatomy of ears on my iPad but these things happen… I learned that earlobes can either be attached or unattached; who’d have thought. Attached lobes are joined to the face right to the bottom of the lobe while unattached lobes hang down below the attachment to the face. You should be able to see from the two pics that my lobes are unattached (I had to pull my ear slightly to show this because just leaving it hang meant it appeared attached as it lay against my face) while David’s are attached.
David is a friend who lives just a few doors up from me and I see him often in the Community Café which he is a director of. We have fallen into the habit of greeting each other with “Good Morning number 40; Good Morning number 52.” This moved on to David also calling us twins. We both wear specs and both have short white hair so I guess we’re nearly twins!
I guess I should have saved this for Silly Saturday really but I couldn’t guarantee getting a pic of both our ears on Saturday!
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