
By JoseeSouren1958

Who is that little girl in the photo ? :-)

The Photo is meant for the Bible study group.
We have a nice evening before Christmas and then we play a quiz and we have to guess who is in the photo.
That person then has to tell something about the photo.
Last year we played a dice game. Everyone had to bring a small wrapped present. Each number on the dice means something. e.g. take a present from the table. Another number means pass the present to your neighbor or that you have to unwrap it. The presents go from hand to hand. You don't know what present you can keep until the game is over. Very nice to do. We really had fun.
And of course everyone brings something to eat or drink. Hihi. Today we had a wine tasting with the group of former ABP employees who were members of the staff association when they were still working.
We tasted 3 red and 3 white wines with matching snacks.
I bought 1 red and 1 bottle of white wine from the 6 wines we tasted. They will be
opened at Christmas when the children

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