Here goes......

By Lindiloo

Loch Ruskie

We have not been for a decent walk since before we went to Cyprus so decided to rectify that this morning. It was dull but warm and dry so we headed of to Loch Ruskie again, in search of the Ospreys. The sun came out about 10 minutes into the walk and stayed out. Then horror of horrors, I realised my camera battery was flat! This is the second time that this has happened, maybe I need to buy a spare.

I resorted to my iPhone but unfortunately there was no way I could capture the 2 Ospreys we saw playing, swooping down to the loch and back up in the air for a good 10 minutes! I did enjoy watching them even though I never got the shot. That's us seen them both times we have been there so there will be a third before they migrate.

I decided on this panoramic shot taken on the iPhone as it shows a bit more of the's a lovely wee spot.

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