
By Veronica

One photo, two days

You'll have to really zoom in to see the lone pruner. Yes, it's those trees again.

I haven't had time to blip or take photos, so this is doing duty for two days. However, I just typed a whole entry in my usual verbose style, and before I could select all and copy as I normally do before clicking Publish, it disappeared. Not sure I can face retyping it all.

Anyway, yesterday evening we went to see a rather boring film which we somehow thought was about paysans-boulangers, who grow and mill their own grain and then bake bread from it, featuring local sourdough celebrity Roland Feuillas. It turned out to be about an archaeological research project to investigate how grain was preserved in the middle ages by burying it in underground silos. Scant material for an hour-long film. S found it particularly boring as he already knew about the British research they used as a basis. Still, at the end of the film they got a baker to bake bread with some of the stored grain, and nobody died or lost limbs from ergot poisoning.

This morning we went over to catch up with N, Sue's daughter, who is here this week, and since she was going to visit in the afternoon we thought we might as well go in the morning. It was lunchtime by the time we got there, and Sue was fast asleep. Even though I only saw her a week ago, I confess I momentarily didn't recognise her, she was so gaunt. Once she'd woken up, she was eventually together enough for the nurses to get her up and take her out to the terrace, drip in tow. It was a lovely day, warm and sunny without a breath of wind. We stayed for a while after N and Sue's friend H arrived and then headed home.  We have a visit rota now!

This took up most of the day in the end, and  was quite stressful, but I was glad I made a quick turnaround to go to yoga with T this evening. It was a very relaxing session, most of it spent lying down -- just what I needed.

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