I dropped off the Tim Pears trilogy to Mandy on my way to Chudleigh Knighton.
Mum has just begun colouring in the pages of her new book, a birthday present from her granddaughter Ashley, & great grandchildren Norah & Eliza.
When I arrived at Mum's this morning she was sat at the dining table working on a Mandela, surrounded by felt tips. In her happy place. I made her breakfast, the usual porridge topped with a little double cream & sugar, followed by toast with butter & marmalade. Indie sat waiting for her corner of toast before we headed out for our walk across the heath.
I drove to Bovey Tracey, dropped off a bundle of magazines to an address that took me a while to find. I'd offered them on a local FB page, this person wanted them for crafting sessions held with children. Nipped into the garage to see if any progress had been made with my car. Problem with the drive shaft. An expensive repair on top of having the shock obsorbers replaced. Approximately £800... Ouch!
I met Sandra & Angie for a mooch in Bovey Tracey before catching up over coffee.
Dashed back to CK as the electrician was on his way to Mum's. A 5 minute job with a screwdriver rectified the problem thank goodness.
Made Mum's lunch then headed back to Chudleigh.
Thinking of changing the car so drove up to the local garage to see what they had for sale on the forecourt before dropping hubby at the pub.
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