Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Brown Eyed Girl

She was remarkably indulgent of me sprawling on the grass and sticking the camera in her face. I think it's worth it for the pampered existence she leads...

Mr kagsy's birthday today, lots of bike related presents, he chose pizza for tea and Miami Vice for tonight's dvd. we know how to live it up! A year ago it was the Olympics opening ceremony - the US tv coverage of the Olympics had to be seen to be believed, suffice to say we watched an awful lot of beach volleyball. Can it really be a year since the Olympics?

Major storms predicted tonight, I guess that means many failed attempts to photograph the lightning!

Bit of Van is required. Once went to see him at The Hexagon in Reading - as we filed in he was sitting in the bar drinking tea - nobody dared approach him, he's a scary character!

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