Ar gyflymder cerdded
Ar gyflymder cerdded ~ At walking speed
“Businesses could and should do good for society. They should make and sell objects of real and lasting value, things that give great pleasure and utility to their owners. They should sustain and create good jobs that people are proud to do. And they should do so in a way which minimises, or if possible eliminates, all waste and pollution, ensuring that they cause no harm to our planet.”
― Patrick Grant, (‘Blackburn, Not Black Friday’, via email)
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Roedd rhaid i mi fynd i'r pentref eto. Doedd rhaid i mi ddim brysio, felly cerddais i. Dych chi’n gallu gwerthfawrogi mwy manylion ar gyflymder cerdded - o'i gymharu â mynd ar feic neu mewn car. Ond o leiaf ar feic dych chi'n yn yr awyr agored, pan ddych chi'n mewn car, eich amgylchedd yw’r metel a phlastig o'r car, nid y gwynt, glaw, planhigion, coed, a phobl ar y strydoedd. Felly mae'n well gen i yn aml droed i feic i gar fel fy nghludiant.
Felly heddiw dim ond cerdded i lanhawyr sych a'r meddyg. Un i gael hen sgarff wlân wedi ei glanhau, un i gasglu presgripsiwn moddion pwysedd gwaed. (Gallwch chi ddyfalu pa un oedd pa un.)
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I had to go to the village again. I didn't have to hurry, so I walked. You can appreciate more details at walking speed - compared to going on a bike or in a car. But at least on a bike you're outdoors, when you're in a car, your environment is the metal and plastic of the car, not the wind, rain, plants, trees, and people on the streets . So I often prefer foot to bike to car as my transport.
So today I just walked to the dry cleaners and the doctor. One to get an old woolen scarf cleaned, one to collect a prescription for blood pressure medication. (You can guess which was which.)
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Amlygiad dwbl o Eglwys Ararat a choed ar y comin.
Description (English): Double exposure of Ararat Church and trees on the common.
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