Getting back to normal....................
After our long drive back to St Ives on Wednesday, and the excitement of our 14 years of Blipping (huge thanks to everyone who popped by to congratulate us), yesterday my human took me for a long walk first thing in the morning, a play in the field with my ball, went straight back to work for an afternoon shift and then we went to a friend's house in the evening for a Chinese takeaway. By 9.30pm Ann was totally, utterly and completely, exhausted so she went to bed. Obviously if Ann has an early night then I have to have one too.
She woke up this morning at 6.15am full of beans and as the weather forecast was bad for most of the day, she took me for a long walk along all of the St Ives beaches. Yay!
The rest of the morning I had snooze time because it was raining, and also Ann wanted to go off and do a big supermarket shop because she didn't have much to eat. Honestly?! She's made sure that I have enough food to last me forever slight exaggeration and all she had to eat was some toast??!!
Oh and mini rant coming up........................ she's ranted about this before but it most definitely needs to be ranted about again. Why is wine soooooo expensive in Scotland? Yes Ann knows the answer............... it's all down to the Scottish government. It's at least £2 a bottle cheaper in England!!!
Anyway, shopping done, and then she had all our unpacking to do because she hadn't had time yesterday. Caught up on a bit of TV, then it was time for my afternoon walk but by then it was absolutely chucking it down, so we waited until it was just a bit mizzly and drizzly and I went along the lane. It was a bit boring along the lane today because I didn't see any bunnies. They must have all been down their burrows sheltering from the rain.
So here we are, back in St Ives on a rainy Friday night, home alone. And loving it?!!......... The difference between Edinburgh & St Ives is.................... Ann has more human interaction. Ie, on my morning walk, we stopped to talk to three people we know, who were also out walking their pooches. Also, Ann's plan was to pop down to the 'Pool Club' for an early evening glass of wine, but she's trying to cut down lol it's still raining so she's not going to bother.
An evening watching soaps beckons............................ And a homemade Cottage pie cooked in the Air fryer. Ann's really missed her air fryer when we've been in Edinburgh. Yum! I like Cottage Pie. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get some tasty little titbits later.
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