Jambo journal

By IainC


It's amazing how much packaging we accumulate and chuck out these days. This is just a week's worth of plastic with the odd cardboard carton thrown in. But at least it's getting recycled and not getting dumped as landfill.

Have had a pretty laid back day; was expecting to be on call but seems I wasn't needed - no complaints from me! So, did an overdue clean out of the aquarium and made the little fishes very happy. They're zipping about good style just now. Then up to the allotment to do nothing in particular but managed to while away a couple of hours with no trouble at all. But collected some rasps (from the few canes that have survived) and red currants which went very nicely with some strawberries and whipped cream for our tea. That's about it though, it's back to store- bought fruit for us now.

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