The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Sleep Habits

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

After walking Murphy, I did nothing all day. I mean nothing. I sat on the sofa doing nothing. And it was great!

We went out with Kitty Cat and Marsh tonight. Marsh told us that many years ago, he was on a work trip with a colleague and they were flying business class.

After the champagne and food, one of their fellow travellers, reclined his seat flat, settled down on his front and nodded off. No big deal, except that whilst asleep, he started humping the seat!

Luckily for this passenger, it was in the time before mobile phones but he still ended up with all of the cabin crew coming to have a look and a giggle. Eventually someone went over and gently woke him under the pretence of “snoring loudly”!

Unfortunately he nodded back off and resumed his intimate relationship with the chair. Who’d have thought a loud snorer would be the better option!


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