
By elfin

Table for one

The curse of the delayed jet lag got me last night and I just couldn't get to sleep . Though might have been my mind whirring too. Was woken up by my sis ringing - was great to catch up and a good start to the day.

Fella got back from the US this morning - still feel down about the situation but I hope he gets how crap it makes me feel n does something about it. Though I've been hoping for a while and not much has changed.

But we had a great day - rxs, mrs rxs and ghengis came round. Decided to pretend I was still on hols n had a glass of rosé with lunch at a local pub plus a dessert - really must start the post holiday diet soon. Haven't dared get on the scales since I got back.

Got back home n spent a lovely time in the garden. Photo shows ghengis enjoying her dinner bistro style while the fella kept her propped up as she was in danger of falling through the gap in the chair.

And finally the most important news of the day - tracked down the ants nest and hoovered all the little f*ckers up and put some ant powder down so hopefully they won't be troubling me again. If only sorting all my other problems was as straightforward .

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