
By Beinghere

St Andrew’s Day Hairdo

Geordie had a shower, shampoo and blow-dry today. As usual he was very good about it. Jumps into the bath himself, then tolerates getting washed. He does love the blow dry though.
This afternoon we headed up to Hamilton wood and Jim and Amber were there before us. We parked behind their car and Geordie immediately got the scent of Amber. I practically trotted through the wood trying to keep up with him on the lead. Before we found them we spotted the roe deer family. Their tails are so light in colour that they really stand out among the trees.
When we found Amber they were at the other side of a field. I just let go the lead and Geordie shot off like a bolt from a gun. I headed across the field after him and joined them on the walk around the field. Jings! It was like a workout! The grass was pretty deep and tufty. To say I was perspiring profusely would be a huge understatement. I’d already left off my hat and gloves and my jacket was open because it was so mild. Definitely feeling less fit at the moment.

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