O Khatmandu i Gaerdydd, trwy Leeds
O Khatmandu i Gaerdydd, trwy Leeds ~ From Khatmandu to Cardiff, via Leeds
“Love without a focus arises when, in the course of your meditation you see that all beings, both self & others, have the nature of openness; free from intellectualization, they are like the sky. From that knowledge love grows continuously like a ceaseless melody.”
― Padmasambhava
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Rydw i wedi bod eisiau cerflun Padmasmbhava (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padmasambhava) i ymuno â fi yn fy nghwt myfyrdod am fisoedd, felly pan un o'n ffrindiau, ar bererindod yn Nepal wedi cynnig i brynu rhywbeth i ni, roedden i'n hapus iawn.
Gofynnais i am gerflun ac roedd hi'n gallu ffeindio gwneuthurwr cerfluniau sy'n wneud cerfluniau o Padmasambhava. Prynodd hi'r cerflun a daeth hi â fe yn ei chês adre i Leeds. Yna cysylltion ni â DPD i ddod ä'r cerflun i lawr i Gaerdydd, dros nos.
A dyma fe. Roedd e'n lapio mewn papur newyddion Nepal, a gwnaeth fy ffrind yn ei gosod mewn blwch cryf gyda llawer stwffin o glustog (pillow) am ei (its) daith i lawr y wlad.
Y stori lawn, o ofyn yn gyntaf, i dderbyn y cerflun oedd dim ond deg diwrnod.
Rhaid i mi ddweud fy mod i'n hapus iawn.
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I've wanted a Padmasmbhava (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padmasambhava) statue to join me in my meditation hut for months, so when one of our friends, on a pilgrimage in Nepal, offered to buy us something, I was very happy.
I asked about a statue and she was able to find a statue maker who makes statues of Padmasambhava. She bought the statue and brought it home to Leeds in her suitcase. We then contacted DPD to bring the statue down to Cardiff, overnight.
And here it is. It was wrapped in a Nepalese newspaper, and my friend placed it in a strong box with lots of pillow stuffing for his (its) journey down the country.
The full story, from first asking, to receiving the statue was only ten days.
I must say I am very happy.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Cerflun o Padmasambhava newydd ei ddadlapio o bapur newydd Nepal
Description (English): A statue of Padmasambhava just unwrapped from a Nepalese newspaper
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