
By lucia13


Hello my friends! hope you all are fine and enjoy the weekend . The weather is lovely sunshine again. In the night it's starting to rain but it is fantastic. Everybody needs the water.
I went swiming again and enjoyed the garden and the visitors . Today Coco came to my garden and spent all afternoon with us . I was putting these beautiful flowers in my bike to make this a little more colourful . I saw these bikes in Holand and Belgium and I really love this style. It is comfortable and easy to bike for me. Also here is flat so I can do that sometimes.
Coco liked my flowers in my basket so he decided try it. He asked me to put him inside the basket so I pleased him . He looks very comfortable and happy for a moment . I was very happy too !! I took some pictures of him very nice but this one is the only one he opened the eyes like always. haha! He made my blip ! I was thinking to blip my bike but with Coco is more beautiful !.
I love these colours and he looks happy and beautiful in my basket. haha!
Hope you enjoy it and it makes you smile again. Have a nice weekend and thanks for the stars and comments of my view of the river . It was very nice relaxing walking and cycling! xx

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