
By MissRae


This will be me then - hello.

I am averaged sized, it's the jenga that's larger than life.
Of course, seconds after this it came tumbling down, games of any sort are not really my strong suit, though thankfully I have OK reflexes - those bricks have some heft behind them.

We headed out early today to Henley in an attemt to get a few hours of outdoorness before the forecast storms at midday.
Quick salute at Dusty Springfield's grave, bit of a wander along the River, popped into a few shops.
It was still dry by 2ish so we made our way to a recommended pub for lunch in Skirmett near Marlowe. Only butties left at that hour so we made the best of boring baguette and played games.

No rain until this evening, but I think it's here for the long haul.

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