Why So Happy?

It was sisters annual barbeque today.
But this year it was something special ..... my brother-in-law retired from the police yesterday.
So there was a hog roast.

I have no idea why this chapwas trying to hide.
He is way too small.

THIS held ours ........... and it was full.
58kg of lipsmackingcracklingcoveredwonderfultastingjuicyroastpig.

As usual my nephew dressed like a wally to bbq in the rain.

And rain it did!
Thunder, lightning and monsoon proportioned downpours.

But there were plenty of shelters and a house big enough to cope with the people and the truck loads of food and drink.

I am absolutely stuffed.

No idea what they are going to do with all the pork left (they fly out to Canada on Tuesday for a wedding).
I suspect their friends and neighbours freezers will be getting filled.

The weather has put the mockers on the horse show I was due to shoot tomorrow unfortunately - but the safety of the horses and riders comes first.

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