Dog Sitting…
… It is a dog, honestly.
(With ears and a face and everything).
Love him. He’s in the ‘terrible twos’ at the moment. There’s little point in putting things on the worktops because he can jump like a vaulter on a pogo stick.
We love having him. (And, I am able, now, to ensconce him into his pesky harness even before Himself has put on his coat. Smashing the IQ test).
I’ve been trying to get packed for my trip too.
I’ve now removed all (sigh) of my (relatively) smart items of clothing from the case and replaced them with black.
Everything is black now (much like the dog) apart from some colourful scarves, a cream blouse and a camel polo. Ta da!!
(Until tomorrow, when it all might change again).
And I plan to only wear the boots am I am travelling in, for everything. (Wild eh?).
I do not know how some people manage to look elegant when travelling, I really don’t.
(Is it the rucksack that lets me down?).
Anyway, the responsible adult in the house says it all looks very neat.
I’m taking that as a win.
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