Man, Mountain or Fish

By StevieFish

shop shop shop

run run, shop shop. that has been my lunchtimes all week. Today I got more stuff I need on a mad dash around with SJ. I pottered around the Rohan sale where I got a nice pair of trousers for my trip - but didn't make it to Jessops for the camera treats. Maybe tomorrow.

I did get a chance to catch up with Kat's Eye last night and attempt to help her with her photos for her exhibition during the Festival. I also had lots of fun with her lurvely Canon L series 100mm f/2.8 macro lens. Here's hoping my rambling enlightened rather than confused!

I don't know what was going on on George street today but there were a fair few glammed up bods walking along. I only managed to capture this one on my mad dash past.

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