
...i mumbled

as the resident squirrel scampered wildly - to get out of reach...

it's not often i see him - more i hear him - lurking about in the trees and bushes - overhead - sometimes dropping a leaf or nut upon me - to let me know he's there - i'll talk to him - yet he doesn't show his face to me, making me wonder if he's really there - this after a year of living here

but today, i glanced up at the noise - and there was his little face - all wicked and wide-eyed, staring at me - a bit too close for comfort on his part, i'm certain - he'd been chomping on a snack - caught by surprise with a black box in his face - clinging to the tree - he gave me 2 stares, was then off - up the tree - snickering like a madman - upset at the disturbance i'd caused

for me though - proof finally - that i'm not simply hearing things - talking to myself in the middle of the day at noises which really exist - justified me - affirmed me - plus, look at that face - who could resist, wild and all - making it...


happy day.....

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