
By TheOttawacker

Meeting the teachers; getting ripped off

Janet up with the lark, so I was up with the lark. Main thing of interest was Ottawacker Jr.’s parent-teacher meetings, which we did virtually in the evening. He seems to be doing very well and both of the teachers we spoke to – Andrew Riff and Dean Ellis – sang his praises. All of this, we knew – or at least suspected – because they were happy for him to miss school and come away with us. The issue will be maintaining this through adolescence…
Car went in for a service and we came out $1100 poorer. Every. Single. Time. You go in to get the winter tyres put on and come out with a colostomy bag and a new elbow. Last time I’m going to the dealer’s to get anything done. (That’s a car dealer… not Mother Superior.) There has to be a shady garage somewhere in Ottawa that can help out.
Couple of phone calls, little bit of admin, a lot of laundry.

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