Polaroid Blips

By PolaroidBlips


Ok. As asked by the nice guys that sent me the camera, I'll describe the When You're a Stranger experience...

So after receiving the camera past tuesday, I started thinking how would I go about this "take a photo of a stranger" thing.

Only recently did I start taking photos of people on the street regularly and I never approach the subjets. I'm not what you'd call a shy person, but as it's something I never do, it's something I have reservations in doing.

Anyway, my plan was: do it when I had R with me (so it doesn't look so menacing if I were to approach a girl/woman) and do it during the weekend (more opportunities as the weekly work routine doesn't leave me with much time left).

So today I took the camera with me when we left home, after a late, light lunch. We dropped Marta with her grandparents (we had a concert during the night with Doismileoito, my fave recent portuguese pop-rock band) and then we went to an esplanade located on a beautiful viewpoint.

After having a toast and some drinks, I was enjoying the scenary and observing the guy in charge of the esplanade. There was no one ordering stuff, so he sat on a basket and started smoking a cigarette. He had a very cool and relaxed pose.

I went for it. He'd been nice when I ordered our stuff so I approached him. I asked if he'd mind me taking a photo, I showed him the camera, tried to explain the project and the site. He said he didn't mind, so I took a step back and got my shot. I then thanked him, asked his name (João) and promised to tell him when/if his face shows up on Blipfoto.

And that's it. All in all, writing all this down to describe the experience was harder than the act itself.

Now to send the camera to (probably) Spain.

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