madwill's world

By madwill

Tree Person

We had a little outing to Wetherby this morning - for brunch with Mrs madwill’s sister and her husband - they are staying in Harrrogate for a couple of nights and visiting friends / family in the Northeast.

We wandered around the town for a while afterwards - some small gifts for TSTMNBM were purchased.

On the way back to the car park (by the river) I spotted this brilliant tree against the side of a the ‘face’ and couldn’t resist a photo!

I did get out for a walk this afternoon - unfortunately I had to leave Oreo behind as he has developed a limp on a front leg - so thought it best to let him rest at home.

The dogs’ humans have arrived back at Manchester airport - a title later than planned, but they should just about get home before it gets dark. Then hopefully daughter should be here to collect them tomorrow!!

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