Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64


Heard the telltale sound of a hot air balloon this morning, looked out the door and saw this balloon flying low and directly overhead, having just taken off from nearby school playing fields. Must’ve been cold up there, only 5 degrees down below. Hot air balloons are a common sight here, but I don’t think I’ve seen one in December before.

Nightmare day, patient unwell, people coming and going. Family friend who came to help out around the house turned up at the same time as the doctor. Engineer to service the gas fire finally turned up at the exact same time as Dad’s hospital consultant rang for a phone appointment, and at the exact same time as Dad was in need of help. Have lost count of the number of calls that were made today to the surgery, the pharmacy, the hospital and the district nurse. And I’ve lost count of the number of loads of washing I’ve done over the last three days. All of the above stems from the fact that things weren’t dealt with properly by the nurse/doc when Dad was in respite care.

Where’s the chocolate therapy?!

Thank you for your kind stars for yesterday’s Chocolate Reindeer cake. Am off for a very long lie down, that is if the patient will let me!

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