North Berwick Law from Seafield
One of my followers asked for more bird blips from the local shore but a rather dismal count for this afternoon:
5 cormorants
1 oystercatcher
~200 pigeons
Well, that surprised me.
Maybe it was the weather: clouded over, threatening rain, cold breeze.
Maybe it was the time of day: 40 minutes before sunset & 45 minutes before high tide.
Main blip is the end of the old breakwater at Seafield with North Berwick Law in the distance. Three cormorants sitting there. About 40 pigeons sitting on lower ledges.
Pigeons? Are they seabirds? Well, sort of, yes.
Urban pigeons, aka feral pigeons, aka domestic pigeons were domesticated (for food) from the wild rock dove, Columba livia that lived in crevices and caves on sea cliffs.
The sole wader seen was an oystercatcher, Haematopus ostralegus (in 'extras')
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