There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

It's Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas!

The elephant house blessing.
A tale of friendship, love, and family.

A few years ago, a dear online friend of mine from India sent a little gift to my parents. The gift was an elephant to hang on their Christmas tree. The timing was somehow accidentally (or maybe not so accidentally) perfect. 

She sent it in November, and it arrived on Christmas eve, just before I got there to celebrate Christmas with my family. You may read that original story here. My parents were quite tickled by the gift, and by the fact that it had been sent by someone from so far away. My dad cracked me up when he told me that he was in a relationship with my friend now: "After all, I have her ELEPHANT!"

The little elephant spent the last few years of my parents' lives with them on their Christmas tree. Sometimes my dad would ask about my friend. He never ceased to be amazed at what he considered to be "the kindness of strangers." The story was a continuing source of delight: a tale of global connection, a meeting of very divergent worlds.

In September 2023, my parents (age 93 and 92) passed, quite peacefully, and nearly in each other's arms. My father went first, my mother about seven hours behind him. They got their last wish and prayer: they strolled hand-in-hand into Heaven, together, to meet their Maker.

Since then, we (I say we but that's hogwash; the lion's share has been done by my baby sister) have been cleaning out my parents' house, sorting things, figuring out what to do with it all. 

Guess what: the little elephant was recovered not long after last Christmas. Now it is mine. With love and maybe a little tear, on Friday, I placed the elephant on our tree. You may see it in this photo, in the lower left. Welcome welcome, little elephant.

I love Christmas, as did my mother before me. It was a holiday we looked forward to all year. A time when there was the possibility of magic, when any and all wishes might be granted. When gifts were given and received; when love was handed out, passed around, tucked away for later. Sweet memories.

I looked it up online, and did you know that having an elephant in the house is considered good luck? Some say your elephant should face north. Others say that its trunk should be pointing upward for luck.

An elephant at the entrance of a house facing away from the door brings good luck into a home; one facing toward the door protects the house against negative energy. Well, goodness, we'll take all of that!

And we'll wash it down with a great big serving of love, and memory, and family, and Christmas. Full measure, pressed, shaken down, and running over. Happy holidays to all who celebrate! May your Christmas be well blessed and happy, in spite of it all!

Our soundtrack song is from the album we always listened to at my parents' home when we were kids, while putting the Christmas tree up. That album was Bing Crosby's White Christmas from 1970, with the Andrews Sisters. The song is Mele Kalikimaka. Enjoy!

Possibly related: Have yourself a merry little cricket!

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