
By skywalker31

The Life of Her!

Men are haunted by the vastness of eternity.

This terrible but infinitely more beautiful thought sometimes scared me, humbled me, but mostly encouraged me. It taught me that, whatever we do in our lives, whatever we achieve, however much we fail, our prints will someday cease to echo across the hallowed corridors of time. But, what will live on, are our deeds, our words and our names.

It is rightly said that life is all about drawing a circle around yourself, the greater the circle, the bigger the stare at immortality. We are scared by the prospects of taking chances in life, we are overwhelmed by repercussions and blinded by society and religion.

Today,we take it upon our self to break our limitations and strive for that undaunted shot at the universe . Just remember, there might not be life after death, because, if so, then what is life and what is death.

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