
By Marionb

Maggie Does Yoga

..while I read my novel...when I too should be doing yoga or at least my physio exercises...

My doctor has always said that I should learn from my cat...and one of those things is that they always stretch before getting up.. and they look before they leap...and they nap. He never said anything about yoga...

I had quite an interesting afternoon while Maggie napped. (Yoga is exhausting... or so they tell me.) 

My neighbour Mark from the big house behind me dropped by bearing scones and home-made raspberry jam...just checking to see how I am doing. We had a very long and interesting chat...I love to hear about his trips and adventures..and he loves to talk about them! 

My travels are not as adventurous as his, but his stories inspire me to get my head back into the traveling mode and start thinking "trip"... just a simple trip.. no wild rivers to canoe, no mountains to climb, no hikes on the Camino de Santiago...just a nice house to rent in an area of beauty in a culture that is a bit different than my own..that's all I ask.. It does not take much to amuse me; surely, my aging body can handle that. 

So, thank you, interest has been peaked; perhaps it is time to bring out the maps...

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