Coming Up that Hill
Got caught in the rain heading back from the library but it hadn’t got really heavy yet so was saved from getting drookit. Was at home in the morning waiting on our new mattress getting delivered and whiled the time away baking more Plätzchen. Not the most successful and definitely not worth the palaver so they’re a one-off. (The Extra just shows the bottom half, they got another on top to make a jammy biscuit.)
The delivery guys were less than happy with humphing that mattress up our stairs - seems mattresses have gotten heavier and less flexible since our last purchase! But they managed it in the end (with the just the one twisted ankle for their efforts) and we’ll try it out tonight. Sweet dreams I hope!
Online with the crew tonight and with a few more tech problems than usual before everyone got sorted out. Then a swift, bloodied departure from Shugs left the rest of us puzzled. She’s OK though, just a head wound!
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