Blue Christmas...
My wee kitchen tree :-)
I am so happy with the wee tree that D bought a couple of weeks ago at the sale held by one of favourite local shops. This is the tree I am busy crocheting decs for so it's still a bit bare at the moment. Watch this space :-)
Tesco delivery all present and correct. Phew.
Alan had an appointment with the stoma nurse so he, David and Vickie headed off to hospital. I spent some time in the studio working on sketches for the commission I had hoped to have completed by the start of this month. I've just not had the time or I am sad to say, the inclination, but I want the two little boys the paintings are for to have them for Christmas so need to get a move on. Thankfully I have finalised the sketches so can now get them drawn on proper watercolour paper and get painting. It will probably be the start of the week before I get back to them though.
Alan et al returned from hospital full of the joys and after some food, he wanted to go to Ikea so he and Vickie headed off.
After dinner, got my Christmas gift list out and forced myself to go over it and try to come up with ideas for those I've still to buy for. I am so behind this year and completely out of ideas!
Thankfully after a scoot around John Lewis's website I managed to get four gifts so my list has a few ticks.
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