Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


This is something of an Emergency Blip, good intensions fell apart when I came over all queasy this morning as I set of for the Sunday Papers, ended up prone in the local Supermarket car park with some very kind strangers offering help of one form or another, luckily I came around after fifteen minuets or so and slowly made my way home & took to my bed for an hour, happy to report that I seem ok this afternoon but I've taken things very easy, popped out at four to find something to liven up two slices of bread for my tea & took this view over Ilkley just so I'de have something to upload today. Annoys me to be ill as it's a very rare occurrence, we never seem to get out anywhere during the week so the weekends are always precious, all told its been a wasted Sunday. Top Tip for today, never die on a Friday as you'll miss the weekend!

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