Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Good Morning

After breakfast we headed down to M&S to collect some stuff for The Larder.
14 crates...........that's what we came away with!
The staff at Strathbrock will go nuts tomorrow morning when I drop it off..... they aren't going to have the space for it all. LOL -- and I have another collection from them tomorrow evening.

The sky was quite nice when we got home.

Apparently I forgot to put the filter back in the tumble drier and SWMBO lost a sock. So I had the fun job of finding it. It meant moving the drier, lying it on its front, removing the hose (which was a nightmare to put on in the first place) and sticking my arm deep into the flue, pulling the sock out and then replacing the damned hose again (which actually screwed back in really easily).

I made my biggest Gonk yet and am in two minds as to whether to paint it on not.

The last Grand Prix of the season was watched.

Today's whisky is 'The Hive' from Kingsbarns Distillery outside Crail in Fife.

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