Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

One thousand and One Nights

Enough memories for now….I thot I could just eeek out and finish this mystery blankety 4 year project.   But I can’t.   Not enough time  left plus I’m making mistakes hard to correct and my hand cramps after an hour.

Friend knitter Mike wants to help but she will find it too tedious I think so I hope she can find someone on a yarn store we can pay.     

( for you knitters out there here’s what left.   I have sewn 3 more columns from the other side together so the border can be knitted on it.  Then each side need to be sewed ..mattress stitch …to one more column (there are 7 of 7 squares and when it’s all together then top and bottom border can be knit on…you see the corners will matchup.)      

I loved the squares but not all then putting together and ends to tuck in.   I hope it will get finished one way of another……It’s called One Thousand and One Nights

Frustrating part of the day….dealing with a cc fraud so needed a new card. The good part is to change cards on Several websites for him i was planning anyway.

Think it’s time to watch ELF tonight!

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